Just Be Yourself

Posted: September 4, 2012 in Song from my heart

Words & Music by Rocky M. V.

If the world is not my home
And If the world don’t remember my name
But I still standing on this ground
I will put my hope in Christ
I will put my hope in Christ

If every doors has closed for me
And I am lost alone in the crowd
I will stand still, and wait for You
For what a friend I have in Christ
For what a friend I have in Christ

I don’t need to change the way I look
Just being myself
Just being myself
I don’t need to change the way I live
Just being myself
Just being myself
What a friend I have in Christ
O What a friend I have in Christ
O What a friend I have in Christ
The Lord

© 2012 Rocky (Malphin Voo)

You don’t have to change to make someone like you, just be who you are and just be yourself. Because that kind of friend don’t deserve to be a friend. For a true friend is a friend that always be with you, no matter what’s your circumtances.
Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world…”
Enemies takes life; steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10), but a true friend gives life (John 3:16)

But seek first HIS kingdom

Posted: August 27, 2012 in Song from my heart

“But seek first HIS kingdom and HIS righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” – Matthew 6:33

There is time that I get really-really tired, exhausted, and giving up. And this bible passage has always come to my mind. Sometimes I also hustle and think, “But when?”. But there is one thing that always awakes me. It says, “God always provides what you need, and HE knows what’s the best for you.” Thank you God!

God Is Near (Unplugged)

By DIY Musician

July 24, 201247 Comments and 118 Reactions

376753864 nkut3 x3 300x213 Top 5 Mistakes Musicians Make with Their Live Show[This article was written by guest contributor Tom Jackson, our favorite live music producer! For more great advice on crafting an engaging live show, check out Tom Jackson Productions.]

It was an important day – after 3 weeks of work with an artist on their live show, we were wrapping up a “moment” we were creating for their 55 date tour. I needed a little energy in a cup!

So I stopped at Starbucks just outside Nashville – one of the busiest in the southeast, I’m told. As I waited in line, I overheard a conversation between two guys in front of me about a new record release and upcoming tour.

I’d actually been approached by this guy’s record company and manager about working on his show, so I introduced myself. His reaction didn’t surprise me. He stepped back, looked at me suspiciously, and said, “Dude what are you talking about? Our show rocks!”

Obviously, he didn’t have the same opinion as his manager and record label.

I’m a Live Music Producer, and I’ve been working on artists’ shows for 20 years. I do what a record producer does for the recording – but I go into rehearsal halls and help artists get ready for their live shows, showcases, and tours.

Starbucks and the rehearsal hall are my world. I’ve been in the music business a long time, lived in Nashville 17 years, and the only reason I know where BMI, ASCAP, and a few recording studios are, is because they are on Nashville’s Music Row or a friend of mine owns one. But if you ask me where the best rehearsal studio is in Los Angeles, Toronto, New York, Austin, Orlando, or Timbuktu – I can tell you!

I also get asked to speak at music conferences and colleges around the world to teach my Live Music Method, which will help an artist get a vision for their show, help them be more comfortable and spontaneous onstage, and help them understand how to connect with an audience without changing who they are. It helps them get prepared to work with me and my team.

So I was asked by Kevin Breuner at CD Baby to write about the biggest mistakes artists make with their live show. Here are 5 big mistakes, in no particular order:

1. “Winging it” is mistaken for spontaneity

I constantly run across the attitude of “Dude, I’ve got to be spontaneous – I can’t rehearse my show!” Sometimes my reply is “Awesome – but if you really want to be spontaneous, make up the song right in front of the audience… that’d be real awesome!”

They look at me like I’m crazy or have 2 heads. Because of course they practice the music, dynamics, tempo, tones, melodies, and harmonies. They know those need to be right. And, if they’re a group, they work on making the music really tight. But instead of learning the right way to be spontaneous onstage, they mistake “winging it” for spontaneity! They jump around onstage and try different things, hoping something will work. And here’s the irony – when they do something verbally, visually, or musically in front of the crowd one night that gets a great response, they do that same thing the next night, too.

So where did the spontaneity go? They do the same thing they did the first night because it worked! That’s because spontaneity and winging it are 2 different things. In fact, if we rehearse right, we will leave room for spontaneity in our show.

Which brings me to the next mistake:

2. Practice is mistaken for rehearsal

Artists know when they go into the recording studio, they don’t lay down basic tracks, add a few sweeteners, and a scratch track vocally, then turn to the producer and say, “Sounds great. Let’s get it to the manufacturer!” An artist who has any sense at all knows there’s more to be done with the recording. You need a final mix. In fact, the mix can even make or break the song. It’s why people like Grammy winner Al Schmitt get paid a stupid amount just to mix people’s songs.

But most artists don’t realize there is more to getting a live show ready than just “practicing” the music. Rehearsal involves the musical, the visual, the verbal, the rearranging of songs that were written for radio so they work live, and more.

Which brings us to mistake #3:

3. Song arrangements intended for radio are mistakenly used for live shows

Some of you have heard me talk about the qualities of a sitcom for TV (22 min. of show + 8 min. of commercials = sitcom). As a musician, our equivalent to a sitcom is a song for radio. We know the rules for getting played on radio: 3-4 minutes long, a certain form, short intro, etc. But a live show and radio are 2 different things!

The Simpsons sitcom was made into a movie a few years ago. As a consumer, if you’d gone to the theater and paid $10 for 22 minutes of show plus 8 minutes of commercials, you’d have felt cheated. Why? Your expectations are different in a theater. Well, your audience’s expectations are different at a club or concert hall than they are when they turn on a radio. If you play your songs just as they were recorded for radio, you’re making a big mistake. Those songs need to be rearranged to create a compelling live show.

Not understanding the audience’s expectations is part of the 4th mistake:

4. Artists assume the audience wants them to sing songs or play music

Audiences go to a live concert for 3 reasons: to be captured & engaged, to experience moments, and to have their lives changed in some way. As musicians, we make the mistake of thinking (partly because it’s us, our adrenaline is flowing, and we’re playing our own music) that we are awesome onstage and there are “moments” all through our songs. And there are – for us. But we need to create moments for our audience!

That’s what a huge part of rehearsal is: finding the moments in the songs, and rearranging them so they become moments for the audience (not just us). Living in Nashville, a huge part of the music industry is still consumed with having a “hit song.” A hit song will compel people (usually listening on radio) to go to iTunes or Google the artist to find the song… because it moved them emotionally. In other words, a hit song is a “moment” that connects the listener emotionally to the artist. It’s a distinct craft and art. And it’s why the best producers in the world get paid extraordinary sums to produce those hits for the artist!

But even well written songs don’t necessarily become hits. (If that were the case, the tens of 1000s of songs written every year around the world that are well crafted, lyrically clever, and well arranged would all be hits.) But here’s the good news: if you have a well written song, inside that song is usually a “moment!” You as the artist know it! And the Live Music Producer’s job is to find that moment and help you deliver it in your live show. But if you’re just playing songs, most people will miss those moments.

That’s why delivering a song live onstage is so important, and you shouldn’t make mistake #5:

5. Artists’ songs all look the same, even though they don’t sound the same

As an artist you know your songs are all different. They have different themes, melodies, rhythms, and tones. They don’t sound the same. But (for 95% of artists out there) they look the same. You need to be as creative with your show as you are with your music. Communication with your audience is 15% content, 30% tone or emotion, and 55% is what they see. So it can be a real problem if your songs all look the same, because to an audience that doesn’t know who you are, your songs will start sounding the same. Most artists typically do the same thing onstage over and over for every song: the same movement from the same place… big mistake!

Oh, by the way, I never did work with the guy in Starbucks. A couple years later I walked into the same Starbucks, and saw him again – this time he was working the counter. A part of me wanted to gloat. But in reality, I felt sorry for him, because I thought he had written some good songs and he had a good band. They were just boring onstage. And it was too bad he didn’t know it.



A Live Music Producer and master of creating moments onstage, Tom has taught 100s of artists of every genre – major artists like Taylor Swift, The Band Perry, Jars of Clay, & others – and countless indies, giving them a foundation and direction to define their unique voice and style to showcase their talent from the stage. A highly demanded speaker, Tom shares his knowledge at music colleges, conferences & events worldwide, impacting tens of thousands of artists every year. For more information and resources for your live show, go to www.OnstageSuccess.com.

All That Matters

Posted: August 25, 2012 in Song from my heart

All That Matters (Listen at Soundcloud)
Words & Music by Rocky M. V.

Verse 1:
Money or pop-ularity
Has never been, the center of my intention
to sing and play, or writing songs
It is what I love to do
No matter if the music sounds ain’t beautiful
It doesn’t matter to me at all

Because, all that matter to me
Of course, all that matter to me

I got freedom, coz Jesus saved my life
I got sunshine, that wakes me up in the morning
I have, someone who, loves me, more than anybody
I know that I am special
And there is nothing else matters
nothing else matters
nothing else matters

Verser 2:
When staying alive in eternity
There is nothing else matters than to worship the King
So I sing, and play and practice my songs
I’m not trying to impress
I’m just sharing what I love just as simple as that
Coz It just came out naturally

Because, Love is not explainable
Because, It’s just the way it is
Because, all that matters to me
Because, all that matters to me now


Copyright © 2012 Rocky (Malphin Voo)

YOU are my destiny

Posted: August 24, 2012 in Song from my heart

If the whole world isolate me, or forsake me
And if i can’t find a place like home
I won’t fear
Coz God is here

You’ve taken my shame away
You’ve covered me from enemies

It’s YOUR blood that has brought to life
From nothing to everything
YOU are my joy
YOU are my destiny
YOU are my friend

If the world is not my home
If the world don’t remember my name
But I still standing on this ground
I’ll put my hope, in Christ alone

If every doors has closed for me
And I am lost alone in crowd
I will stand still, and wait for YOU
For what a friend I have in Christ

I don’t need to change the way I look
Just being myself
Just being myself
I don’t need to change the way I live
Just being myself
Just being myself

What a friend I have in Christ
What a friend I have in Christ
What a friend I have in Christ
What a friend I have in Christ

The Book of All Time

Posted: July 6, 2012 in The Journey


Photo source: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/531636_4283350570121_1899329032_n.jpg

Photo posted by: Craig Hicks (https://www.facebook.com/craig.hicks.967)

Is Bible powerful? Or is it just a book that has been written by man? I don’t know why are people thinking about this. yet, a bible is just a bundle papers with writings on it. But to me it’s not about the materials, ‘things’ or something that are in the logic of the atheist. The important thing here is, It still EXIST until today. People may think that it is not the oldest book on earth as in http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120601015226AAiPQhe. Because they look at things through the atheist kind thinking about existence of things, logic or something that can be proved (Even though they still cannot prove anything about ‘things’ like air, wind, etc which is cannot be seen). They claimed that it’s not a book because it’s only a collection, and it’s not the original or first copy of the book. Well, I guess they have forgotten that books was not actually a bundle of papers at the beginning. Even the manuscript that have been written in pyramid was written or drawned on the wall (not paper). what is the purpose of people writing at the beginning? is it to sale it on street like news papers or magazines? or is it to get popularity or creating a successful book selling business? I believe that there is peoples all around the world that have tried to vanish Bible, but they could not even make it until their last breath. You may also want to check my other post in my Blogger: Faith vs Science. God bless.

Don’t dare to talk about it if you don’t dare to READ THE WHOLE of it...

Yet it just made of paper and no demon is afraid of it.. but they afraid of the man that LIVE IT..

– Rocky

Collision of will and trap

Posted: July 6, 2012 in The Journey

Something that I’ve been thinking from my yesterday’s devotion from an online devotional page, which was taken from the scripture of 1 Corinthians 13. It’s quite ironic coz almost every christians know about this verse, and probably could recite the verse “…love is patient, love kind, love is faithful and just…” but lack in the PRACTICE. And I realized that I am one of those. The topic was “Exercising Love”. It says that if we have everything but we don’t have love, it means nothing. I myself have been to church every Sunday, Involves in a lot of church ministries. But I realized that I need to be true to myself. I does not mean that I never aware but sometimes there is decision that are not optional. So am I just trapped in duty or am I doing it truthful? What I believe is, If I keep doing it and never give up, and still could doing it joyfully, then “I am truthful”. Because I know and have seen a lot of people that trapped usually will not stay long. Yeah!! that’s how it reveals the truth.

Beyond Comprehension

Posted: March 15, 2012 in Quotes for lifetime
“Can you fathom the mysteries of God?
Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?”
– Job 11:7

“God is ABOVE TIME”, “See the bigger picture…” – Bishop John Yeo

I was reborn in Christ around 1990’s after a couples of years of suffering leg pain and disorder. I was born in a Half-Christian family and the one who bring us to know Jesus is my mother. I did went to Sunday school but I wasn’t really understand yet about the love of God that offer hopes and eternal life ever after, until I went through the pain and limitations that bounds me. Like anybody else, in childhood I was never worry about anything. But there was times when I started to thinks about, “Why am I here?” and “Why it is me?”, while there is billions or may be more out there that exist all around the world. I also went to some Youth Camps and came to know more about God from time to time. and the first thing that really have captured my heart in church is an announcement of a guitar lesson, That was the beginning of my journey which has brought me into church ministries until today.

About my leg, I was going to school by a public bus, but unfortunately that day I ride the wrong bus which is going to the wrong way and I’ve jumped from the bus while it was still moving because the driver don’t want to stop the bus, even though  I’ve pressed the bus buzzer a few times. As the bus speeding I was fell down and rolled, and almost hit by a car when I’m collecting my coins which dropped while rolling down from the bus. I’ve went to a person who is well-known in massaging, and I’ve went there almost every week. But after a couple of years, nothing was happened. But one day in church, My leg was healed after I’ve been prayed by a pastor in my church. My mother brought me to the front to be prayed by the pastor. It wasn’t happened straightly that time, but it was happened after I went home that day and I’ve tried to moves my leg as far as I could and believing, and I’ve seen God’s miracle happened that day in front my very own eyes. But that is one thing, and then there is more other things.

The picture of the father in the real world also affected my picture about God as a Father who care and knows more about me than I do. And it has been a great and long struggles to me spiritually to receive God boldly and even worst each time when my heart was crushed by acts and words that make me think that I’m useless, hopeless and I should have not ever been born. Sometimes I hardly almost couldn’t even say the word “Father” when singing a worship song which have the word. But now, all of those things doesn’t matter to me anymore. I have put my trust in Christ who have done something that is greater than what you and I have gone through. I learn to die to myself for Him no matter how hard it is, like the song of Linkin Park says, “I’ve tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn’t even matter“. Which I have replaced with, “But those who put their hopes in the Lord, will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grew weary, they will walk and not faint. – Isaiah 40:31“. I know that God has chosen me and I am chosen to die to myself like what He has done for the shake of all nations. Until my last breathe on earth, I pray that God will use me and protect me in every dimension that exist to share His loves, His hopes to the hopeless, a Father to the fatherless and Salvation until eternity. in John 14:6, “Jesus answered. ‘I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.’” It’s true that there is thousands of religions and philosophies out there that teaching about good things and deeds. But religions or philosophies never affect my faith in God, not even races or cultures. Nothing is ever sure than the Lord, Jesus Christ. Until today, there is some people who are still praying and finding for a way to save themselves, but Jesus has answered it. He is the only way. and there is only one way. John 3:16 tells us, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that who believes in Him shall not be perish, but receive eternal life.

My Lord Jesus Christ forever reign ! Amen.

Rocky M. Voo