Archive for February, 2012

I was reborn in Christ around 1990’s after a couples of years of suffering leg pain and disorder. I was born in a Half-Christian family and the one who bring us to know Jesus is my mother. I did went to Sunday school but I wasn’t really understand yet about the love of God that offer hopes and eternal life ever after, until I went through the pain and limitations that bounds me. Like anybody else, in childhood I was never worry about anything. But there was times when I started to thinks about, “Why am I here?” and “Why it is me?”, while there is billions or may be more out there that exist all around the world. I also went to some Youth Camps and came to know more about God from time to time. and the first thing that really have captured my heart in church is an announcement of a guitar lesson, That was the beginning of my journey which has brought me into church ministries until today.

About my leg, I was going to school by a public bus, but unfortunately that day I ride the wrong bus which is going to the wrong way and I’ve jumped from the bus while it was still moving because the driver don’t want to stop the bus, even though  I’ve pressed the bus buzzer a few times. As the bus speeding I was fell down and rolled, and almost hit by a car when I’m collecting my coins which dropped while rolling down from the bus. I’ve went to a person who is well-known in massaging, and I’ve went there almost every week. But after a couple of years, nothing was happened. But one day in church, My leg was healed after I’ve been prayed by a pastor in my church. My mother brought me to the front to be prayed by the pastor. It wasn’t happened straightly that time, but it was happened after I went home that day and I’ve tried to moves my leg as far as I could and believing, and I’ve seen God’s miracle happened that day in front my very own eyes. But that is one thing, and then there is more other things.

The picture of the father in the real world also affected my picture about God as a Father who care and knows more about me than I do. And it has been a great and long struggles to me spiritually to receive God boldly and even worst each time when my heart was crushed by acts and words that make me think that I’m useless, hopeless and I should have not ever been born. Sometimes I hardly almost couldn’t even say the word “Father” when singing a worship song which have the word. But now, all of those things doesn’t matter to me anymore. I have put my trust in Christ who have done something that is greater than what you and I have gone through. I learn to die to myself for Him no matter how hard it is, like the song of Linkin Park says, “I’ve tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn’t even matter“. Which I have replaced with, “But those who put their hopes in the Lord, will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grew weary, they will walk and not faint. – Isaiah 40:31“. I know that God has chosen me and I am chosen to die to myself like what He has done for the shake of all nations. Until my last breathe on earth, I pray that God will use me and protect me in every dimension that exist to share His loves, His hopes to the hopeless, a Father to the fatherless and Salvation until eternity. in John 14:6, “Jesus answered. ‘I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.’” It’s true that there is thousands of religions and philosophies out there that teaching about good things and deeds. But religions or philosophies never affect my faith in God, not even races or cultures. Nothing is ever sure than the Lord, Jesus Christ. Until today, there is some people who are still praying and finding for a way to save themselves, but Jesus has answered it. He is the only way. and there is only one way. John 3:16 tells us, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that who believes in Him shall not be perish, but receive eternal life.

My Lord Jesus Christ forever reign ! Amen.

Rocky M. Voo